2010-07-28 21:06:26 UTC
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Checkmate. Oh, yeah... Veronica says I should also mention that
On Tue, 27 Jul 2010 14:04:14 -0400, " Sir Gregory Hall, Esq."
On Mon, 26 Jul 2010 19:44:57 -0400, " Sir Gregory Hall,
Warning! Always wear ANSI approved safety goggles when
posts by Checkmate. Oh, yeah... Veronica says I should
that Sir Gregory
Well, thank you Doctor Obvious.
Well, you might be surprised at all those in denial aboutWell, thank you Doctor Obvious.
this s
Yes. look at all the idiots he has encouraged to continuetheir harassment.
Next thing you know they'll be calling obesity a disease,
like t
like t
call alcoholism a disease when alcoholism, too, is another
instance of a mind-over-matter failure.
I had a sociology professor say once that one should bewareof t
myth of the simple solution.
Things are not that simple. You are just begging for Fate to
Things are not that simple. You are just begging for Fate to
and make you less healthy so you can start your own battle
of th
of th
This time, the enemy ain't Nazis....wait.....forget I said
This time, the enemy ain't Nazis....wait.....forget I said
i'm going to have to agree here, even though it truly gallsme. i
that simple.
very little is.
The only thing that's simple around her is you. You'revery little is.
There is no magic to weight management. It's a matter of simple
Calories in = calories out to maintain a static weight.
Calories in > calories out to gain weight.
Calories in < calories out to lose weight.
This covers ALL human beings. There are no exceptions. NONE!
Calories in = calories out to maintain a static weight.
Calories in > calories out to gain weight.
Calories in < calories out to lose weight.
This covers ALL human beings. There are no exceptions. NONE!
Black and white logic is the sign of an analytical mind.
An analytical mind is a good thing. Such a mind conferssuccessful adaptation to the environment.
There is no room for compassion or tolerance or humanity in an
analytical mind.
Not necessarily so! I have a great deal of compassion for lesseranalytical mind.
even have compassion for strong-minded people who happen to fall
on h
on h
times. And my compassion is not restricted to human beings. I
even re
even re
bugs sometimes. I care deeply for stray dogs and cats and hungry
wild creatures.
I have very little tolerance, you are correct there. The reason I
wild creatures.
I have very little tolerance, you are correct there. The reason I
hard to tolerate such things as weak minds, evil minds, lazy
minds an
minds an
things they cause such as obesity, alcoholism, crime, murder
mayhem, slothful existence, dependence, etc. is because I view
such things as
mayhem, slothful existence, dependence, etc. is because I view
such things as
than human and inexcusable ant not to be tolerated as human as it
the species.
While compassion is, indeed, an evolved human emotion, I would
say th
While compassion is, indeed, an evolved human emotion, I would
say th
tolerance is a recent, liberal construct that was foisted off on
help the cause of liberals who exhibit all the earmarks of weak
minds, lazy minds and all the aforementioned physical attributes
the same.
human is overcoming them with that human masterpiece - the mind.
Gregory Hall- Hide quoted text -
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Okay Spock, let?s pump the breaks on all the mind over fat stuff.I(f) that is my only option, I would rather be human with all
the frailties that entails.
Wrong! Being human is NOT accepting all the frailties. Beingthe frailties that entails.
human is overcoming them with that human masterpiece - the mind.
Gregory Hall- Hide quoted text -
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International Journal of Obesity suggests that multiple factors
influence weight in ways we don?t fully understand and the
overconsumption of food may be overstated within the obesity
Excuses. "It's not your fault!"influence weight in ways we don?t fully understand and the
overconsumption of food may be overstated within the obesity
a goose. I guess you have some kind of insight over the scientific and
genetic data that leading researchers studying obesity arent privy
too. Maybe you should clue them in and help them out because obviously
according to you they are getting it wrong. (face palm)
Obviously your capacity saying stupid shit knows no bounds.
A recent article in the health section of Newsweek claims that
obesity is a genetic issue more so than one of over consumption.
Name ONE other animal in nature that has a weight problem. I'm nottml
A recent article in the health section of Newsweek claims that
obesity is a genetic issue more so than one of over consumption.
about animals that have evolved to fatten up for the winter or for
mating purposes, as nature intended. I'm talking about being
overweight. I
can'tmating purposes, as nature intended. I'm talking about being
overweight. I
think of one other animal that has this problem, with the occasional
of family pets... fed by humans.
Have you ever stopped to think (what am I saying here, of course youhavent) that modern human behavior, lifestyle and environment are
quite different from that of animals in the wild? The behavior of
people as well as animals is influenced by there environment. In an
environment were food is abundant and the need to be excessively
active is not apparent, levels of obesity will just naturally rise.
Its not rocket science but to you this simple fact is out of your
The ironic part of this whole thing is that you actually hit upon the
answer to the issue that have evolved to fatten up for the winter
But you didnt get it.
Obviously you have no clue regarding human evolution and genetics.
Humans are genetically predisposed toward weight gain as a natural
protection against starvation during lean times. Take away the lean
times and you end up with a fat population of humans, it's that
simple, dumbass.
Open you mouth again and I will be forced to slap you right back into
the cave from which you dwell.
You make this too easy.
it doesn't even matter.
@}`-,-- *with bells and motley*
@}`-,-- *with bells and motley*